Smart Power

Smart Power
Special feature of the AL-KO 36 V Battery Family in Conjunction with the AL-KO inTOUCH Smart Garden App
Smart Charger
With the smart double charger C 200 Li (item no. 114018) with WLAN connectivity, you can easily access various information via the inTOUCH Smart Garden app. For example, you can see battery-specific values such as charge level, temperature and operating time.
Configure push notifications for each battery slot individually. This way you will know when 80% or 100% charging progress is reached. For an extended battery life, activate the Eco mode or for long-term storage (e.g. in winter) the battery protection charge, which only charges the battery to 60%.
The charger is also equipped with Amazon Alexa compatible. This means that the current charge levels can be easily queried using voice commands.
To set up smartconnect, the WLAN access data is transmitted via Bluetooth®.
Smart Batteries
The smart AL-KO 36 V batteries B 160 Li with 4 Ah (item no. 114099) und B 800 Li with 8 Ah (item no. 114017) are connected to our AL-KO inTOUCH Smart Garden app via Bluetooth®.
Thanks to real-time battery cell monitoring, daily long-term battery data (total charging cycles and operating hours) as well as information on the current charge level and battery temperature, you always have an overview of the performance of your battery.
If you are using several smart batteries, you can easily identify the right battery by activating battery detection in the AL-KO inTOUCH Smart Garden App activate.